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Monday, January 2, 2012

Time Management Notes

Move a mountain- Identify your mountain by identifying what needs to be done.  Prioritize and delegate.  When delegating, set a deadline and update your log so that when subordinates report back for clarification or when task is completed you will know what has been done.
Move a minute- Focus on the top 2-3 priorities on your list and remove all clutter, chaos and distractions from your life until those priorities are completed.  This means telling people that want to meet with you that you will meet with them later.  "Do you have a minute usually means the next 10 minutes are shot.  A well organized desk and office ensure that when the time comes to attack the top 2-3 priorities, it will get done.  There is no control for the unknown variable which set things haywire.  Furthermore, when you set an appointment, it makes the person feel important and gives the issue the time that it deserves.   
Move on- Leave work on time and at the office even though you feel that you can’t since getting caught up and ahead of the curve is rarely possible in today’s business world.  If necessary, remind staff of their job descriptions and hold them accountable.  If they can't complete their tasks, find out their mountain, how to help them move a minute.  When they move on and you don't, you have inherited their problem.  Let staff find a solution to their problem first.  Don't wear somebody else's monkey on your back. (C) 2009-12

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